Blog Post

Exceptional DBA of the Year 2011 - Please vote for Jeff Moden


Every year Redgate has a competition to find the most

exceptional DBA of the year. This year too they are conducting. One of the

prize for the winner is a fully paid Sql pass summit. The best thing about this

is that it is the community that votes for the winner.

This year there are five great DBA's who are on finals. One

of them is Jeff Moden (MVP). He is one of the best guys I have met, both personally

and professionally. Jeff gave a great presentation using Netmeeting for our SQL

Server User group last year.

And last year at the summit, I had the pleasure to meet him

in person at the summit. He was there giving presentation and I was there to

attend. We used to go for other presentations together. We also talked shop

while having Beer Samplers. I had a great time because I was able to hang

around with a smart and funny guy like him. I was hoping that when I go for the

summit this year I would be able to meet him again. This year he was not sure

if he would come for the summit. There are quite a few personal reasons why he

was not sure if he could make it or not. But if he wins this competition he

will be attending the Summit

for sure. And that is what I want.

Let me be honest, I want him to win. Not just because

he is my friend and someone I look up on with respect but because he totally

deserves it. He was doing a wonderful job at work that his colleagues decided

to nominate him for this competition. He has given so much to the community

through his articles and his help on forums that this is the least we can do to

show our appreciation to him. So please vote for him here.


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