Blog Post

EightKB 2024 – Schedule and Registration


Hello Hello, We. Are. Back!

The schedule for EightKB 2024 Edition has been announced!

We’re kicking off at 1pm UTC on August 8th (8th of the 8th…get it? 🙂 )…here’s the schedule: –

N.B. – If you click on the session on the website, it shows the session abstract…nice touch eh?

Once again we have five top class speakers delivering five great, in-depth sessions on various SQL Server internals topics.

We only have five slots in each event which meant we ended up not picking some amazing sessions. I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to all who submitted…session selection is the WORST part of running a conference! Really, truly…thank you to everyone who submitted.

Registration is now open, it’s completely free and you can sign up here: –

The event will be in Zoom and we’ll have chat going in the EightKB channel in the SQL Community Slack…please come and hang out with us there!

EightKB is a 100% community driven with no sponsors so, we have our own Bonfire store selling t-shirts!

Don’t they look snazzy?!

Any money generated from the store will be put straight back into the event.

Hope to see you on August the 8th!

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