Blog Post

Easy SQL Maintenance with Minionware


Here's my personal tweaked settings for deploying Minionware's fantastic Reindex & Backup jobs. In the development environment, I wanted to have some scheduled jobs running to provide a safety net, as well ensure updated statistics, but there were a few default settings I wanted to adjust. In particular, I tweaked the default fill factor back to 0/100. I also installed all the objects to a new "minion" database instead of in master, as I'm beginning to be a fan of isolating these type of maintenance jobs with logging to their own isolated database to easy portability. I also adjusted the default retain days on backups to 30.

powershell setup of backup

You can use this template as a guide to help you adjust the default backup settings to fit your environment a little better.

There has been various forms of discussion on the adjustments of Fill Factor for example on the defaults. For more detailed explanation, see post An Introduction to Fillfactor in SQL Server. For my usage, I wanted to leave the fill factors as default, so the install scripts flips these back to my desired settings. I also run the sp_config command to ensure backup compression is enabled to save some space.

Maybe this will help you get up to speed if you want to try out this great solution, but tweak a few defaults.

The ease of installation across multiple instances makes this my current favorite solution, followed by the fantastic Ola Hallengren solution.


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