Blog Post

Driving Debate


I write a daily editorial, which is one of the reasons that I don't post here as often as I'd like. I get to put out thoughts and opinions, and often I'm hoping to drive the debate in something that interests me or that has caught my eye. I'm mostly successful, but I have a fair number of failures as well. Last week I had quite a few editorials basically get no commentary whatsoever. Not much fun to wake up to that.

However I still enjoy the writing and am trying to get back into writing more articles. I've specifically been working on a few things based on SSMS for later this month and based on some common questions that I see asked often. I try to stay motivated since that's my primary job, but it can be hard to continue to write about SQL Server, especially when I don't get to play with it as much in my daily work.

I got an email the other day that inspired me again. It was from someone that read one of my articles and learned something and solved a problem he was having. The article was a couple years old, but this person just read it and sent me a kind note telling me how appreciative he was. That was cool and it's still very cool to me that someone actually enjoys the stuff I've written.

If you're reading this and you haven't ever written an article, consider it. Writing is cathartic, it lets you express yourself, and more often than you think, you can help someone else solve a problem. There are plenty of people out there that are still learning the basics and despite all the articles we have, it might just be your voice that reaches tham and solves their issue.  


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