In this blog post, we’re going to work on deploying a SQL Server Availability Group in a Kubernetes Cluster in on-premises virtual machines. I’m going to walk you through the process as it’s documented by Microsoft at this link here. This document is very good but only shows you how to do it in Azure, we’re going to do it in VMs. I’m going to follow Microsoft’s documentation as much as possible, deviating only when necessary for on-premises deployments. I’m also going to explain the key Kubernetes concepts that you need to know to understand how all these pieces together. This is a long one, buckle up.
Creating Your Cluster
In my last blog post, I showed you how to create a three-node Kubernetes on premise, virtual machine based cluster. I’m going to use the same setup for this blog post. Check out how to create this cluster at this link here. There’s a reason I wrote that post first π
Process Overview
Here’s the big picture of all the steps we will perform in this demonstration
- Create a Namespace
- Create Secrets
- Create a Storage Class and mark it default
- Create Persistent Volumes
- Create a ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding and a Deployment
- Deploy the SQL Server Pods
- Expose the Availability Group Services as a Kubernetes Service
- Connect to our Availability Group from outside our cluster
- Create a database
Create a Namespace
First up, we’ll create a Namespace. In Kubernetes you can use namespaces to put boundaries around resources for organizational or security reasons.
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl create namespace ag1
namespace/ag1 created
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get namespaces
ag1 Active 11m
default Active 28h
kube-public Active 28h
kube-system Active 28h
Create Secrets
In Kubernetes, the cluster store can hold Secrets…in other words sensitive data like passwords. This is valuable because we don’t want to store this information in our containers and we certainly don’t want to have our passwords as clear text in our deployment manifests. So in those manifests, we can reference these values and then upon deployment the Pods will retrieve the secrets when they’re started and pass the secret into the container for the application to use. In this case, we’re creating two secrets to be used by our Pods. The first is the SA password we’ll use for our SQL Server Instance, the second is the password for our Service Master Key which is behind the certificates that are used to authenticate the Availability Group (*cough*) Database Mirroring endpoints.
Let’s create the secrets with kubectl.
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl create secret generic sql-secrets –from-literal=sapassword=”1-S0methingS@Str0ng” –from-literal=masterkeypassword=”2-S0methingS@Str0ng” –namespace ag1
secret/sql-secrets created
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get secret sql-secrets -o yaml –namespace ag1 | grep masterkeypassword | awk ‘{ print $2 }’ | base64 –decode
Create a Storage Class and Mark it Default
OK, now it’s time to work on our storage configuration. This is where we’re going to deviate most from the Microsoft documentation. We’re going to start off by creating a StorageClass. A StorageClass is a way to group storage together based on the storage’s attributes. In this case, we’re going to use a StorageClass because later on in the YAML files provided by Microsoft they are going to make storage requests of the cluster referencing the default storage class in the namespace. So that’s what this code does, creates the local-storage StorageClass and marks it as default.
Here is the YAML definition of our StorageClass, save this into a file called StorageClass.yaml.
kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: local-storage annotations: { "" : "true" } provisioner: volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
File 1 – StorageClass.yaml
Once you have that code saved into StorageClass.yaml, go ahead and run the following command to pass the StorageClass manifest to the API server for it to create the resource for you.
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl apply -f StorageClass.yaml –namespace ag1 created
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get storageclass –namespace ag1
local-storage (default) 3h20m
Create Persistent Volumes
Next up is creating our actual storage. In Kubernetes, the cluster provides storage to Pods and the Pods request the storage. Cluster storage can be many different types. You can have NFS, virtual disks from your cloud provider, local storage and many more. Local storage is the storage that’s attached to the Kubernetes Node itself. In this demonstration, we’re going to use local storage. Since we’re deploying Availability Groups that will put a Pod on each Node in our cluster, we’re going to need to define three PersistentVolumes, one on each Node.. Looking at the code in File 2 – PV.yaml (below) you will see three PersistentVolumes each with a different name, all pointing to /var/opt/mssql. This will be local on each Node in our cluster. So we will need to make a /var/opt/mssql directory on each node in our cluster. So go ahead and do that now. Storage in HA systems requires understanding of what data is living where in your system and layering the appropriate data protections to meet your recovery objectives. This configuration places the storage on each Node in your Kubernetes Cluster. For more information on the local storage type in Kubernetes check out this post here. In that post they specifically call out that this Persistent Volume type is appropriate for “Distributed storage systems that shard or replicate data across multiple nodes” and Availability Groups fall into that category.
In an effort to loosely couple Pods and their storage, the cluster administrator defines Persistent Volumes, that what you’ll do when you run the code in File 2 – PV.yaml below. Then the pods will use PersistentVolumeClaim to attach the Pods to the PersistentVolumes.
kind: PersistentVolume apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: ag1-pv-volume-node1 labels: type: local spec: storageClassName: local-storage capacity: storage: 10Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce local: path: "/var/opt/mssql" nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - k8s-node1 --- kind: PersistentVolume apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: ag1-pv-volume-node2 labels: type: local spec: storageClassName: local-storage capacity: storage: 10Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce local: path: "/var/opt/mssql" nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - k8s-node2 --- kind: PersistentVolume apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: ag1-pv-volume-node3 labels: type: local spec: storageClassName: local-storage capacity: storage: 10Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce local: path: "/var/opt/mssql" nodeAffinity: required: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - k8s-node3
File 2 – PV.yaml
Once you have that code saved into PV.yaml, go ahead and run the following command to pass the PersistentVolume manifest to the API server for it to create the resource for you.
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl apply -f pv.yaml –namespace ag1
persistentvolume/ag1-pv-volume-node1 created
persistentvolume/ag1-pv-volume-node2 created
persistentvolume/ag1-pv-volume-node3 created
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get PersistentVolume –namespace ag1
ag1-pv-volume-node1 10Gi RWO Retain Available local-storage 29s
ag1-pv-volume-node2 10Gi RWO Retain Available local-storage 29s
ag1-pv-volume-node3 10Gi RWO Retain Available local-storage 29s
Create a ServiceAccount, ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding and a Deployment
Now that we have our storage created it’s time to get started creating our resources for our cluster. In the Samples provided by Microsoft, they provide operator.yaml. For our deployment, we’ll use that file just as is from Microsoft. I have the contents below for you. The core details of the operator.yaml manifest file are that it creates a ServiceAccount, a ClusterRole, a ClusterRoleBinding and also defines the Deployment for the Kubernetes Operator Pod for our Availability Group. Basically, this sets up the security contexts in the cluster for our Pods and also kicks off the Deployment of the Availability Group Kubernetes Operator Pod. A Deployment is a Kubernetes object that will ensure that the defined Pod is up and running at all times. Looking towards the bottom of the file you’ll see replicas: 1 this defines that there must be exactly one Operator pod using the 2019-CTP2.1-ubuntu container at all times.
apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: {name: ag1} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: {name: mssql-operator, namespace: ag1} --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: {name: mssql-operator-ag1} rules: - apiGroups: [''] resources: [serviceaccounts, services] verbs: [create, get, update, delete] - apiGroups: [batch] resources: [jobs] verbs: [create, get, update, delete] - apiGroups: [] resources: [roles, rolebindings] verbs: [create, get, update, delete] - apiGroups: [apps] resources: [statefulsets] verbs: [create, delete, get, update] - apiGroups: [''] resources: [configmaps, endpoints, secrets] verbs: [create, get, update, watch, delete] - apiGroups: [''] resources: [pods] verbs: [get, list, update] - apiGroups: [] resources: [customresourcedefinitions] verbs: [create] - apiGroups: [] resourceNames: [] resources: [customresourcedefinitions] verbs: [delete, get, update] - apiGroups: [] resources: [sqlservers] verbs: [get, list, watch] --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: {name: mssql-operator-ag1} roleRef: {apiGroup:, kind: ClusterRole, name: mssql-operator-ag1} subjects: - {kind: ServiceAccount, name: mssql-operator, namespace: ag1} --- apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 kind: Deployment metadata: {name: mssql-operator, namespace: ag1} spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: {app: mssql-operator} template: metadata: labels: {app: mssql-operator} spec: containers: - command: [/mssql-server-k8s-operator] env: - name: MSSQL_K8S_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: {fieldPath: metadata.namespace} image: name: mssql-operator<br /> serviceAccount: mssql-operator
File 3 – operator.yaml
Now let’s go ahead and deploy operator.yaml and create the resources.
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl apply -f operator.yaml –namespace ag1
Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create –save-config or kubectl apply
namespace/ag1 configured
serviceaccount/mssql-operator created created created
deployment.apps/mssql-operator created
kubectl get ServiceAccount –namespace ag1
kubectl describe ClusterRole mssql-operator-ag1 –namespace ag1
kubectl describe ClusterRoleBinding mssql-operator-ag1 –namespace ag1
kubectl get deployment –namespace ag1
kubectl describe deployment –namespace ag1
Before moving on, we’ll want to make sure our Deployment is finished and Ready. We can use kubectl get deployment for that, the key here is the DESIRED and CURRENT are both 1. This means our Operator is online and ready.
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get deployment –namespace ag1
mssql-operator 1 1 1 1 4m38s
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get pods –namespace ag1
mssql-operator-6d88564d97-hqz8r 1/1 Running 0 7m8s
Deploy the SQL Server Pods
Ok, now that the Storage, Security and the Operator are deployed. Now it’s time to deploy the Pods for our SQL Server Availability Group Replicas. In File 3 – sqlserver.yaml (below) we define the resources needed to get our Pods up and running. But, this file is a little bit different…it’s using Custom Resources. Your first hint to that is look at the apiVersion, it references and the kind: SqlServer. Microsoft has chosen to implement a custom object likely so that it can abstract away some of the complexity of creating this configuration.
In this file, you are going to see a lot of things come together from the other configurations we’ve made so far in this post. You’ll find that the ag1 namespace is referenced, you’ll see the storageClass is default, and the saPassword being read from the Cluster’s secrets.
In addition to the custom SqlServer resource, in this file, you will also find the Service object defined for each Pod replica. The Service provides persistent access to the Pod’s application. In this file, we create three services all on 1433. This port is the port listening on the cluster network.
I did make one change to this file from the original Microsoft file. I changed the Service Type from LoadBalancer to NodePort. Doing this exposes the Service which is running on 1433 inside the Pod and also on the Pod network to the Node’s real IP address and bind the Pods internal 1433 port to an available ephemeral port on the Node. This means I can connect to each of the SQL Instances outside of the Kubernetes cluster using the IP address of the virtual machine (Node) and the NodePort ephemeral port. The type LoadBalancer is used in cloud scenarios where the cloud provider stands up and load balancer resource for you. We’re doing this On-Prem, so this had to change.
apiVersion: kind: SqlServer metadata: labels: {name: mssql1, type: sqlservr} name: mssql1 namespace: ag1 spec: acceptEula: true agentsContainerImage: availabilityGroups: [ag1] instanceRootVolumeClaimTemplate: accessModes: [ReadWriteOnce] resources: requests: {storage: 5Gi} storageClass: default saPassword: secretKeyRef: {key: sapassword, name: sql-secrets} sqlServerContainer: {image: ''} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: {name: mssql1, namespace: ag1} spec: ports: - {name: tds, port: 1433} selector: {name: mssql1, type: sqlservr} type: NodePort --- apiVersion: kind: SqlServer metadata: labels: {name: mssql2, type: sqlservr} name: mssql2 namespace: ag1 spec: acceptEula: true agentsContainerImage: availabilityGroups: [ag1] instanceRootVolumeClaimTemplate: accessModes: [ReadWriteOnce] resources: requests: {storage: 5Gi} storageClass: default saPassword: secretKeyRef: {key: sapassword, name: sql-secrets} sqlServerContainer: {image: ''} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: {name: mssql2, namespace: ag1} spec: ports: - {name: tds, port: 1433} selector: {name: mssql2, type: sqlservr} type: NodePort --- apiVersion: kind: SqlServer metadata: labels: {name: mssql3, type: sqlservr} name: mssql3 namespace: ag1 spec: acceptEula: true agentsContainerImage: availabilityGroups: [ag1] instanceRootVolumeClaimTemplate: accessModes: [ReadWriteOnce] resources: requests: {storage: 5Gi} storageClass: default saPassword: secretKeyRef: {key: sapassword, name: sql-secrets} sqlServerContainer: {image: ''} --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: {name: mssql3, namespace: ag1} spec: ports: - {name: tds, port: 1433} selector: {name: mssql3, type: sqlservr} type: NodePort
File 3 – sqlserver.yaml
Let’s now deploy this Pods and Services by passing sqlserver.yaml into our API Server. This might take a minute or two as the containers are downloaded from the Internet and started. In the output below you can see the three Pods are Created and the three services are created. I do want to call out when you create the Pods, you will see 6 Pods when you use the kubectl get pods command. The “initialize” Pods are managed by the Deployment as Kubernetes Jobs that are used to configure the Availability Group Replicas, these run only once and complete. When running the deployment, a successful deployment will have three mssqlN-0 Pods up with a status of Running and the initialize pods are Completed.
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl apply -f sqlserver.yaml –namespace ag1 created
service/mssql1 created created
service/mssql2 created created
service/mssql3 created
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get pods –namespace ag1
mssql-initialize-mssql1-klhzh 0/1 Completed 0 7m
mssql-initialize-mssql2-8vd6r 0/1 Completed 0 6m57s
mssql-initialize-mssql3-4tjvd 0/1 Completed 0 6m54s
mssql-operator-6d88564d97-hqz8r 1/1 Running 0 30m
mssql1-0 2/2 Running 0 7m
mssql2-0 2/2 Running 0 6m58s
mssql3-0 2/2 Running 0 6m55s
If you want to get a peek at what’s been written to standard out in a Pod you can use kubectl logs. Let’s do that for one of the initialize Pods above to see what they did for us. In the output below you can see it’s the job of the initialize container to configure the Availability Group on the Pod that’s running our AG Replica on that same Node. There’s an initialize Pod for each replica on each Node.
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl logs mssql-initialize-mssql1-klhzh –namespace ag1
2018/11/13 02:26:14 Using randomly generated master key password
2018/11/13 02:26:14 Statefulset has 1 replicas but could only find 0
Found pod [mssql1-0] with owner [7d5ef98d-e6eb-11e8-816e-000c296ac327]2018/11/13 02:26:15 [] Setting sa pasword…
ERROR: 2018/11/13 02:26:15 [] Could not connect: Unresponsive or down Unable to open tcp connection with host ‘’: dial tcp
…output omitted…
ERROR: 2018/11/13 02:26:28 [] Could not connect: Unresponsive or down Unable to open tcp connection with host ‘’: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
ERROR: 2018/11/13 02:26:28 [] Both old and new sa password failed
ERROR: 2018/11/13 02:26:29 [] Could not connect: Unresponsive or down Login error: mssql: Login failed for user ‘sa’.
ERROR: 2018/11/13 02:26:29 [] Could not connect: Unresponsive or down Login error: mssql: Login failed for user ‘sa’.
ERROR: 2018/11/13 02:26:29 [] Both old and new sa password failed
ERROR: 2018/11/13 02:26:30 [] Could not connect: Unresponsive or down Login error: mssql: Login failed for user ‘sa’.
2018/11/13 02:26:31 [] sa password updated
2018/11/13 02:26:31 [] Creating master key
2018/11/13 02:26:31 [] Creating sql login dbm-mssql1 if it does not already exist
2018/11/13 02:26:31 [] Creating sql user dbm-mssql1 if it does not already exist
2018/11/13 02:26:31 [] Granting dbm-mssql1 availability group permissions
2018/11/13 02:26:31 [] Granting dbm-mssql1 control to the database mirroring endpoint, dbm, to if it already exists
2018/11/13 02:26:31 [] Granting dbm-mssql1 control to the certificates used on the database mirroring endpoint, dbm
2018/11/13 02:26:31 [] Granting dbm-mssql1 control to availibility group ag1
2018/11/13 02:26:31 Updating secret to note that the initialization is complete
2018/11/13 02:26:31 Uploading cert secret for local instance…
2018/11/13 02:26:31 Initialization complete
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl describe pods -n ag1
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl describe statefulset –namespace ag1
Expose the Availability Group Services as a Service
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: {annotations: null, name: ag1-primary, namespace: ag1} spec: ports: - {name: tds, port: 1433, targetPort: 1433} selector: { primary, type: sqlservr} type: NodePort --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: {annotations: null, name: ag1-secondary, namespace: ag1} spec: ports: - {name: tds, port: 1433} selector: { secondary, type: sqlservr} type: NodePort ---
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl apply -f ag-services.yaml –namespace ag1
service/ag1-primary created
service/ag1-secondary created
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get service –namespace ag1
ag1 ClusterIP None <none> 1433/TCP,5022/TCP 9h
ag1-primary NodePort <none> 1433:30625/TCP 2m6s
ag1-secondary NodePort <none> 1433:30380/TCP 2m6s
mssql1 NodePort <none> 1433:32572/TCP 9h
mssql2 NodePort <none> 1433:30001/TCP 9h
mssql3 NodePort <none> 1433:31539/TCP 9h
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl describe service ag1-primary -n ag1
Name: ag1-primary
Namespace: ag1
Labels: <none>
Type: NodePort
Port: tds 1433/TCP
TargetPort: 1433/TCP
NodePort: tds 30625/TCP
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster
Events: <none>
Anthonys-MacBook-Pro:~ aen$ sqlcmd -S k8s-master1,30625 -Q “SELECT @@SERVERNAME” -U sa -p
(1 rows affected)
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
1 xact:
Clock Time (ms.): total 2 avg 2.0 (500.0 xacts per sec.)
Anthonys-MacBook-Pro:~ aen$ sqlcmd -S,30625 -Q “SELECT @@SERVERNAME” -U sa -p
(1 rows affected)
Network packet size (bytes): 4096
1 xact:
Clock Time (ms.): total 1 avg 1.0 (1000.0 xacts per sec.)
In figure 1, you can find the connection information to connect to our AG primary with Azure Data Studio. Remember, I have that host name in a host file. So create that entry if you need one.

Create an Availability Group Database
SELECT r.replica_server_name , DB_NAME(rs.database_id) AS [DatabaseName] , rs.is_local , rs.is_primary_replica , r.availability_mode_desc , r.failover_mode_desc , rs.is_commit_participant , rs.synchronization_state_desc , rs.synchronization_health_desc , r.endpoint_url , r.session_timeout FROM sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states rs JOIN sys.availability_replicas r ON r.group_id = rs.group_id AND r.replica_id = rs.replica_id ORDER BY r.replica_server_name; GO

Wrap up
demo@k8s-master1:~/ag$ kubectl get all –namespace ag1
pod/mssql-initialize-mssql1-klhzh 0/1 Completed 0 12h
pod/mssql-initialize-mssql2-8vd6r 0/1 Completed 0 12h
pod/mssql-initialize-mssql3-4tjvd 0/1 Completed 0 12h
pod/mssql-operator-6d88564d97-hqz8r 1/1 Running 0 12h
pod/mssql1-0 2/2 Running 0 12h
pod/mssql2-0 2/2 Running 0 12h
pod/mssql3-0 2/2 Running 0 12h
service/ag1 ClusterIP None <none> 1433/TCP,5022/TCP 12h
service/ag1-primary NodePort <none> 1433:30625/TCP 176m
service/ag1-secondary NodePort <none> 1433:30380/TCP 176m
service/mssql1 NodePort <none> 1433:32572/TCP 12h
service/mssql2 NodePort <none> 1433:30001/TCP 12h
service/mssql3 NodePort <none> 1433:31539/TCP 12h
deployment.apps/mssql-operator 1 1 1 1 12h
replicaset.apps/mssql-operator-6d88564d97 1 1 1 12h
statefulset.apps/mssql1 1 1 12h
statefulset.apps/mssql2 1 1 12h
statefulset.apps/mssql3 1 1 12h
job.batch/mssql-initialize-mssql1 1/1 19s 12h
job.batch/mssql-initialize-mssql2 1/1 18s 12h
job.batch/mssql-initialize-mssql3 1/1 17s 12h
kubectl get all –namespace ag1 -o yaml
Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding Linux, Kubernetes or other SQL Server related issues at :
The post Deploying SQL Server Availability Groups in Kubernetes appeared first on Centino Systems Blog.