Blog Post

Deadlock priority


Everyone deals with deadlocks from time to time. But sometimes we need to control who’s the deadlock victim and who isn’t. For example, I’m doing a big delete on a table in a 24×7 environment, I can’t afford downtime to do it so I’m doing my delete in small chunks to reduce transaction size and blocking time. My delete needs to happen but I’m in no hurry and I really can’t afford to deadlock some other transaction. So how do I make sure?

Or on the other hand, I’m running an update that absolutely has to happen right now. It’s going to take a bit and I can’t afford the time for it to be started over. A deadlock would be a disaster. What do I do?

That’s where deadlock priority comes into play.

SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY HIGH; -- This is the same as a priority of 5.
SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY LOW; -- This is the same as a priority of -5.

This setting doesn’t affect anything other than deadlocks. Basically, the higher deadlock priority wins and the lower becomes the deadlock victim. Now everything starts out with a deadlock priority of NORMAL or 0. So, if necessary, with a little planning, you can easily control who the victim will be.

I do want to say, though, that this setting should be used sparingly. If you decide to set every connection to HIGH then you may as well not have bothered. In order for DEADLOCK_PRIORITY to have any effect, there have to be different priorities.

Filed under: Microsoft SQL Server, Problem Resolution, SQLServerPedia Syndication, T-SQL Tagged: deadlocking, microsoft sql server, T-SQL


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