Blog Post

DB2 Editions


This is a little bit off topic for me but on Friday I was asked to look at a DB2 instance and sort out some issues with the CPU maxing out. Make no mistake I’m no DB2 expert, but I have done some small pieces of work on it previously, and about a year ago I started making some notes . I’m going to turn these notes into blog posts, this will help my learning and give a place to reference and maybe it will help someone else out on the way.

DB2 like SQL Server has a series of edition with different features available in each one, here are some notes on the DB2 editions:

DB2 Express C – Full functional version of DB2 that is free to download use and distribute. The C stands for Community.

DB2 Express edition – Similar to the Express C version but there is a cost for support for this edition. It is designed for a quick installation and subsequent use. It supports 2 CPUs and 4GB of RAM. It can run on Linux, Windows and Solaris.

DB2 personal edition – Designed for single user use, It frugal with resources.

DB2 Everyplace 9 – For on a range of devices, PDAs, mobile phones etc. Ideal for distributed applications.

DB2 Workgroup Edition – Allows 4 CPUS and 16GB RAM

DB2 Enterprise edition – DB2 unleashed. No limits

DB2 developer edition – Enterprise edition features for the developer.

DB2 Datawarehouse Edition – has features to support DW environments.

So that’s it, my first post on DB2 looking at the available editions, there will be some further posts to follow when I get chance to turn my notes into posts.


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