Blog Post

DB2 – Create a Database


OK for my next DB2 trick and remaining off the path of the righteous for the time being we will look at creating a DB2 database. I assume that you have the DB2 RDBMS software installed, you can get a free 'community' copy of the express edition, follow this link for the download. Being a SQL DBA with an MSDN subscription I installed DB2 on Windows Server R2 2003 running on VM Workstation. It can also run on a variety of *nix OS too.

As with SQL Server there are many ways to create a database in DB2. In this example I am going to use the wizard, I'm new to this so I'll go with the simple approach. Assuming you have all the components installed, as I do, you need to fire up Control Manager.

Note: There are differences in the physical architecture of database files when comparing DB2 to SQL Server. As my understanding improves I may write a little about that topic but for now we'll focus on using wizard and creating a database.

Before we start let me give you a bit of background on this server I setup, I'm not yet all the knowledgeable on ideal performance layout for DB2 and as this was setup for me to learn a bit more about DB2 so I configured my server with a C:\ drive which houses the OS and the DB2 software and an E:\ drive which I intended to use for the data.

We'll now create a database using the wizard in Control Manager. So how do I open Control Manager, here's how I do it on my Windows Box:


  • <Start>
  • <All Programs>
  • <IBM DB2>
  • <General Administration Tools>
  • <Control Centre>


When Control Manager opens you are asked prompted by the Control Center View box to specify the view that you want. "Advanced" was selected by default so I went with that and clicked OK. My DB2 instance and the databases installed as part of the install were already registered. These are Sample and Schedule:


To create a database:

  • Right Click <All Databases>
  • Select <Create Database>
  • Select <Standard>

This starts up the Create Database Wizard:

Enter a name for your database in my case I called it GETEST and I set the default path for the database to be the e:\ drive and a folder called data.

I took all other default settings, Let DB2 manage my storage (automatic storage). I left the default bufferpool and table space page size at 4K:



I made no changes on the storage tab, because I specified a default path and let DB2 manage my storage on the name tab I have no changes to make here. Click <Next>

For simplicity I make no changes on the Region tab and I take the default settings. Click <Next>

on the summary tab it give you a "Show Command" button which gives you the underlying code that will execute



So there we go as you can see that the syntax is very similar to its TSQL equivalent.

Click on <Finish>

This should cause DB2 to go away and create you a nice new database.

except in my case it doesn't create a database. I get the following error:

"SQL1052N  The database path "E:\DATA" does not exist.

Explanation :

The path specified in the "<path>" parameter of the command is not
valid. Either there is no path with that name, or a path has been
specified when the DB2_CREATE_DB_ON_PATH registry variable is disabled
(Windows only).

Well I the path is there so it must be the later in the explanation " a path has been specified when the DB2_CREATE_DB_ON_PATH registry variable is disabled (Windows only)"

Well it is windows, so I guess this is viable.

So how do I enable this registry variable. It is very simple.

Open a command prompt on the server and run the following:


You won't get any message confirming it has been set or any errors telling you it hasn't worked, when I run it i just got another command prompt.

You then need to restart the DB2 Service, mine is listed in the services as:
DB2 - DB2COPY1 - DB2

Restart that service.

and re-run the wizard and you should get yourself a brand new DB2 database.


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