Yesterday we announced that Data Céilí 2020 has been cancelled due to the continuing threat of COVID-19.
As much as we wanted to put this event on, the safety of all attendees is paramount and we can’t guarantee that at this moment in time.
I want to thank all the speakers who submitted to our event. I’m pretty sure a lot of you got sick of me badgering you to submit
This would have been the first year we were to run and the response we had absolutely blew us away. We wanted Data Céilí to be the biggest and best MS Data Platform event in Ireland and I’m certain with the quality of submissions that we had, that would have been the case.
We’re going to regroup and start planning, because Data Céilí will be back in 2021.
In the meantime, the Irish SQL User Groups have come together to run regular virtual meetups
If you would like to present please contact me on twitter @dbafromthecold or at
Thank you, and stay safe.