Blog Post

Daily SQL Server 2008 New Feature – Day 11


Every day for the next couple of weeks, I aim to highlight one of SQL Server 2008’s new features, simply for awareness. You can then go away and research the area and report back to me, we’ll then discuss how these new features can benefit us all.

Thursday 20th

Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

Now, I do not profess to being any kind of developer, but with RDBMS’ going the way they are, MS have taken this onboard and eased the developers job somewhat.

LINQ enables developers to issue queries against data, using a managed programming language, such as C# or VB.NET, instead of SQL statements. Enable seamless, strongly typed, set-oriented queries written in .NET languages to run against ADO.NET (LINQ to SQL), ADO.NET DataSets (LINQ to DataSets), the ADO.NET Entity Framework (LINQ to Entities), and to the Entity Data Service Mapping provider. There is a new ”LINQ to SQL” provider that enables developers to use LINQ directly on SQL Server 2008 tables and columns.

Would be good to hear from developers out there, who have taken advantage of this functionality – has it made your lives easier ?


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