Blog Post

Daily SQL Server 2008 New Feature – Day 10


Every day for the next couple of weeks, I aim to highlight one of SQL Server 2008’s new features, simply for awareness. You can then go away and research the area and report back to me, we’ll then discuss how these new features can benefit us all.

Wednesday 19th May 2010


At last ! The number of headaches I’ve had over date & time formats in SQL. Now, SQL Server 2008 has introduced new date and time data types:

  • DATE—A date-only type
  • TIME—A time-only type
  • DATETIMEOFFSET—A time-zone-aware datetime type
  • DATETIME2—A datetime type with larger fractional seconds and year range than the existing DATETIME type

These new data types enable applications to have separate data and time types while providing large data ranges or user defined precision for time values.


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