Today’s coping tip is to avoid saying “I should” and make time to do nothing, or do something fun.
I’m writing this ahead of time, and I am doing this. I’m prepping for travel and vacation, and I’m busy. Lots of deadlines and things to get ready. However, this is also a day that I can go see a kid play volleyball that I used to coach. It’s an indulgence, and rather than saying “I should work more”, I’m doing that.
Today in real life I’m at IDC London, so I’m commuting through London and giving two talks. Not a day to do nothing or something that might be fun.
I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQL Server Central newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.