Blog Post

Daily Coping 15 Mar 2021


I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag. 

Today’s tip is to eat mindfully. Appreciate the taste, texture, and smell of your food.

I enjoy food, though I often like comfort, simple food. I’m not much of a “foodie” and fancy meals don’t do a lot for me. I say this, having been at a couple very expensive meals with Brent Ozar.


Recently a friend sent us some seafood from the East Coast. Mostly some crab soup, crab cakes, and dip. I’m not a big crab fan, but my wife is. I cooked the meal, and then tried to sit down and enjoy the taste of the food. I gave it a chance, and tried to appreciate it. Some things I liked, some I didn’t much care about, so I let me wife have my extra.

I’m also learning to cook for 2, since all the kids are gone. I’ve been trying some new recipes, but also slowing down my eating with my wife, trying to taste the food, and enjoy (or not) it. Even when it’s something simple, like eggs and vegetables in the morning, I am taking more time to eat and appreciate the meal.

A far cry from the many “grab something at my desk” days for lunch.

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