Blog Post

Daily Coping 14 Apr 2020


I’ve started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here.

Today’s tip is to find a way to get an extra 15 minutes of physical activity, but a fun way.

I miss volleyball. This is the time of year I’d be winding down the season. This would actually be my last full week of practice before a tournament this weekend and final evals next week. I coach, so I don’t do a lot, but I usually get in a short 15-20 minutes of play with the kids, as well as demonstrating things for them to learn.

My last practice was Mar 11. The last time I played was Mar 9, when I warmed up one girl before the last match, playing pepper with her.

My daughter is also stuck here, and she’s missing her spring season at college. I plan to try and get out in the riding arena and practice a bit with her tonight.

It will be a good release, though I still miss the team.

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