Blog Post

Creating a Test Pipeline in Azure DevOps using a Windows Agent


A customer was having some trouble getting started with Azure DevOps (AzDO) and building their database, so we took a step back and decided to create a simple test pipeline, so they could get a feel for how things work and then move on to more complex builds.

This post looks at a basic pipeline on a Windows agent. I assume you have an Azure DevOps account and have created a project.

This post is part of a series on Azure DevOps. You can click the link to see other posts.


We decided to start with a very simple test to start, using a task to get a directory listing. That’s a nice simple task, and one you can re-use a lot as you try to configure your pipeline.

We created a new pipeline in our Azure DevOps project. To do this, we went to the Pipelines section of AzDO and selected “New”.


We next had a screen that showed choices. If you pick a repo, this wants to build a code-first, YAML pipeline. Great for coding and automation, bad for beginners. Select “Use the classic editor” at the bottom. Don’t worry, you can always move to YAML.


This takes us to a repository screen. We were working in Azure DevOps, so we can use Azure Repos, but if you used GitHub or some other Git repo on the Internet, you can choose that.

You can choose to build from other branches, but I tend to start with main, though we often protect main to prevent direct commits. Once you select the repo and branch, click Continue.


We now get to choose a template. For teaching someone new, I Start with an empty one. Click Empty job to move on.


This gets us a basic pipeline. To orient you, there are multiple tabs, Tasks, Variables, Triggers, Options, History. We don’t need any of these to get started. The Tasks item is highlighted, so we see our tasks.

The pipeline is the top level element, and most listed ot the left. The “Get Sources, is next, and is part of the pipeline as it downloads the repo. The Agent Job 1 is the container for a series of steps in our task, like a SQL Agent Job that contains steps. We’ll add different steps below here.


If you look to the right, you see some edit boxes. These are the top level pipeline settings. The Name is shown at the very top of the image, near the breadcrumb. If I edit this to say “Basic Directory” then this appears at the top.


The Agent pool is the list of possible agents. This defaults to using the Azure hosted agents from Microsoft, but you can create local agent pools if you want things to run inside your infrastructure on VMs instead. I’ll leave this, and I’ll also leave the Agent spec to Windows 2019. There are other options, which you can see.


Note, I am not a fan of using Latest agents. Pick a version that reduce debugging issues. Change this to a later version periodically when you are ready.

If you click on the Agent job 1, you see some different values on the right. You can rename this agent, or specify a different agent from the pipeline. We’ll leave this alone.


On the line with Agent job 1, there is a + to the right. This is how we add tasks (steps) under our agent. Click this.


This brings up a list of tasks to the right. There are a lot of ones listed, and you can add more to your account. We’ll live with this list.


We could scroll or click the various categories (build, utility, test, etc.), but let’s search. Type “cmd” in the search box. We see a limited list of tasks. We’ll click Add next to the Command Line Script.


Once this chosen, it is added to the left under Agent job 1. Click this line to see the various settings on the right.


Let’s configure this. First, we’ll change the name to directory listing. Next, let’s delete everything in the script box and type “dir”. We should see this.


Now click “Save and queue” at the top. We get to enter a save comment and can configure the run. Just leave the defaults.

Note: I grabbed this shot, and realized I’d accidentally set the agent to MacOS. I reset that before I continued.


Once we click Save and run, we should go to the screen that has meta data about this pipeline run. It looks like this. Click the line with the clue clock and Agent job 1.


That should bring up a log listing of the various steps. The listing on the left matches our pipeline steps. Whichever item is selected on the left filters the logs on the right to that info.


If we click the directory listing step, we see some info logged and then the command being run.


This directory listing matches what’s in our repo. We can see this easily by clicking on the repo. 2024-08_0024

When the agent runs, the software runs inside the folder of the repo that is downloaded as part of the pipeline. If you want to get another folder listing, useful sometimes as you configure things, just change the dir command.


This is just a basic look at a pipeline and how to set up a simple task. It’s a useful task, and until you have your pipeline working, I’d leave this task in there. Being able to get visibility into the agent machine is often very helpful.

I’ll look at a few other options in future posts.

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