Blog Post

Convince me to read books (WHERE LEN(argument)


While you wait for my awesome upcoming blog on data exception notification with SSRS, let’s pursue a whim of mine.

I want your techie book recommendations. Write me a tweet @MidnightDBA, or in the comments below, that compels me to read your book of choice. (Yes, you can recommend your own book.)

But the tweet better be pretty compelling.

I’ll kick this off: My recommendation is MVP Deep Dives II,because it’s 60 chapters by 60 MVPs on a variety of SQL topics, and benefits Project Smile. Compelling, no?

I’ll also add the Twitter answers below, as I get them. Happy tweeting!

Jen McCown

  • zippy1981 finally, “the art of unix programming” by Eric S Raymond. To grok powershell, you need to understand the unix way.
  •  jayape Inside the Query Optimizer, a great read into how the optimizer works. Invaluable for understanding execution plans
  •  SQLSoldier  Just stop reading! Watch cartoons instead. :)
  •  zippy1981 The C Programming Language by K&R. Its a short book, and everyone in IT should know C even if they are not a dev
  •  peschkaj  Pragmatic Thinking & Learning. This book needs to advertising.
  • AdamMachanic  “Code Complete.” I think I already recommended that to you quite a while ago, though. Did you read it?
  •  zippy1981 The Mythical Man month. Its more PM than techie, but it explains a lot of lessons the industry has yet to learn

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