Blog Post

Cancelling SQLSaturday Orlando 2020


I’m sure it’s no surprise, but we’ve decided to cancel SQLSaturday Orlando 2020. We decided a couple weeks ago but it’s been tough to summon the energy to write it down – we’ve had a continuous run since 2007 and we hated to break the chain. We considered a virtual event, but for me it just wasn’t the right path, better to take the break, assess early in 2021, and go from there.

We are going to do something this fall though. We had an event all lined up for May that was a one day focus on Getting Started. An hour each on installing SQL, using TSQL, PowerBI, Reporting Services, and SSIS. Kendal has advocated for years for us to do more true beginner content and this was our first real plan to do that, so we’re going to do that on the day we would have held SQLSaturday. We’ll learn some lessons about a virtual event on a small scale and do some good with people that want to join us in the data world.

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