Last month (I ran just a little bit late writing this, it was meant to go out 9/29) Brent Ozar (blog|twitter) decided September was Community Tools Month which was pretty awesome as there are a ton of tools out there that other people have written that can make your life a whole lot easier. Then during an interview recently I was asked about which ones I use. All this together got me thinking. I keep a SSMS Solution with a bunch of scripts I’ve picked up over the years. I’ve become a bit of a magpie. I see a script that I think I can use and I go ooh, shiney! and immediately copy the script into my solution to use later. I want to point out that I try to make a point of including the link where I found it commented out at the top of the script. This is for attribution and so I can find updates if I need them. I’ll admit in some cases I forgot or hadn’t started doing this and I try to put a comment that it wasn’t me but I can’t remember who it was. I keep a copy of my scripts in GitHub just in case so if you’d like to take a look feel free.
So. Are you a script magpie? And if you aren’t, why not?