My current "to do" list, which is only partially written down and organized. Putting it all one one list is a little depressing
- 8 articles to edit
- 2 chapters to tech edit
- Prizes for the PASS Summit
- Create 10 QODs (getting low)
- Schedule out more book ads and articles from other sites
- Blog about the editorials
- Write more editorals (probably #1 on the list. My Q is low)
- Review JumpStartTV dev plan
- Write notes from the Indy Tech Fest
- Finish my Branding presentation for SQLSaturday
- Start editing the new Stumpers book
- Keep my fingers crossed that the Best Of v6 gets printed
that's leaving out the daily running, twice a week football practice with my son, scouts, time with my daughter for various daughter things, horse work, and more. Add in there the need to build some things around the ranch before winter and I'm buried.