You are never too young to wonder “Why am I still doing this?” You need to have an excellent answer – from Excellent Advice for Living
I’d say that you’re also never too old to ask these questions either. When you realize that you’re doing something out of habit or familiarity and not for other reasons, I think it’s worth re-evaluating the situation.
It’s very easy to get into a rut and keep doing those things, even things you don’t like, from habit, obligation, or just because.
Don’t do that. Instead, make sure you actively choose to do things. Things you want, things that you are obligated to do, committed to, or even things that matter to you. Don’t just keep doing something for no reason.
I’ve been posting New Words on Fridays from a book I was reading, however, a friend thought they were a little depressing. They should be as they are obscure sorrows. I like them because they make me think.
To counter-balance those, I’m adding in thoughts on advice, mostly from Kevin Kelley’s book. You can read all these posts under the advice tag.