Adding to my solution for #3 part 2, I finally got it, but I paid the price for not adding the “0, 0” to the data set and just assumed I should add one. Bad assumption! Wound up being off by 1 and it took too long to figure that out.
select distinct xvalue, yvalue from ( select sum (xchange) over (partition by santa order by rowid) as XValue, sum (ychange) over (partition by santa order by rowid) as YValue, Santa from ( select rowid, DoThis, case when DoThis = '^' then 1 when DoThis = 'v' then - 1 else 0 end as YChange, case when DoThis = '>' then 1 when DoThis = '<' then - 1 else 0 end as XChange, RowID % 2 as Santa from directions2 ) a ) b