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A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job – a barber, yoga instructor, or friendly waitress – that you find more meaningful than you’d like to admit; a feeling of connection so stupefying simple it makes you wonder if aspiring novelists would be better off just offering people a hug.

This sounds like a word Snoop Dogg would come up with.

The power of human touch is amazing. As a younger man, I would sometimes embrace touch, or shy away, thinking that touch implied romance or sexual interest. I’ve grown past that.

I am a hugger, and I like to give long hugs. Those close to me know that sometimes I’ll hold on for 10 seconds, which is supposed to have health benefits. I agree, as I can often feel a sense of relaxation if I hold on for at least 5-6 seconds. Then it feels good.

One place this has really been noticeable for me is at yoga. Often class ends with a quiet time, all the students lying in shavasana, or corpse pose. Just laying on our backs, eyes closed, lights mostly out. A few of the teachers will bring a cold, damp washcloth around for each student. Most set this next to your head on one side.

One teacher specifically puts this on your forehead, laying it gently across your eyes and forehead. She also includes a touch. A firm press down for a second or two.

I’m amazed at how that touch is so meaningful, and when I don’t get it, how I miss it. It’s definitely an Incidental Contact High.

From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

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