Blog Post

A Multitude of Summary Views in SQL Compare 15


A client asked for a summary of changes, so I wrote a post to show where to find this in SQL Compare 15. As I was checking out the Summary, I realized there are different ways to present this info, which can make your job as a data professional easier. This post shows the different views.

In the previous post, I showed this image, which is the default view. This lists the changes by object, meaning that I see the objects listed on the left with schema and name, and then the actions on the right. In the image below, the first item on the left is dbo.Street, with two items after it. On the right, we see this is a need to drop a PK and then create a new PK.

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This is a good list, but there are other choices. In the upper right, there is a drop down. If I click it, I see this:

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The Object is the default one, but if I click Modification, I see this view, which lists the types of changes. You can see that I have 1 drop PK, 4 table alters, 1 view alter, etc.

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A good view, though I don’t often case about this, other than I usually would look for drops because those are problematic.

The third view is the modifications, but in the order they’ll take place. I like this, since as someone who has been a production DBA, I want to know what changes are happening in what order.

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In this view above, the alters are split out. So I get one alter of a table, BaseTable, then a view, then a refresh, then alters for two other tables.

Using these summary views are good ways to initially conduct a review of what is changing for a deployment. This is valuable because for a lot of changes, this makes sense. For some, I might want to see the code, so having the changes in order here let me quickly find this change in the script and view the exact way this is going to be deployed.

SQL Compare is an amazing tool and it makes life much easier. If you haven’t tried it, download an eval today and give it a try. If you’d like to see this in a pipeline or more automated system, give the Flyway suite of tools a try.

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