Blog Post

24 Hours of PASS: Day 1


Yesterday was the first day of PASS’ 24 Hours of PASS event. For those not familiar, 24 Hours of PASS is an event that brings together 24 different presenters and they present on various topics on SQL Server ranging from performance tuning, internals to business intelligence and previews at vNext of SQL Server. This month’s event is quite special since March is Women’s History Month, PASS is celebrating it by having this event all delivered by women!

So far the event has been absolutely awesome and the awesomeness continues today with the last 12 hours of the event, starting at 8am EST. If you missed yesterday, don’t fret, all of the sessions are being recorded and will be available on the PASS website within a month. Yesterday’s sessions went well, we had some sessions that actually had over 750 attendees (or as Tom LaRock refers to it as, the Jetliner line)! There were a few surprises as well, such as in Isabel de la Barra’s session, where we were treated to a presentation in Spanish (and translated by moderator Jesus Gil). At first we thought it was going to be a big issue but it turns out that over 300 attendees stuck around for the session and feedback from the Twitter stream seemed positive.

Speaking of Twitter, if you wish to follow along with the event you can do so by following the event hash tag of #24HOP. We are also using #sqlpass as well as #passwit to help promote and discuss the event. Day one is in the book and day two is looking to be fantastic as well, see you in the sessions!


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