Blog Post

24 Hours of PASS


On the 19th/20th May (last month) the Professional Association of SQL Server (PASS) held its second 24 hours of PASS event . '24 hours of PASS' consists of 24 individual hour long meetings/presentations/training session all with a SQL Server 2008 R2 theme, held online and delivered by some of the most respectable names in the SQL Server community. This is a great event well worth looking into and attending.

I was on holiday at the time so wasn't able to attend any of the events 'Live' so to speak and even if I had been able to 24 hour long sessions over the course of 1 day or 24 hours period would be too much. I need my beauty sleep. So to allow people to catch up on what they missed PASS kindly record these sessions and make them available online to watch at your convenience. Obviously you lose the ability to ask questions and interact with the presenter but it is a great opportunity to catch up on anything you missed.

You can find the sessions here:

You need to register to view them, registration is free and well worth it.


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