If you can’t tell what is happening in the above photo, you won’t be alone. Today, at the opening keynote at the 2010 MVP Summit, the audience of nearly 1,400 Microsoft MVPs, from over 70 countries, got to see one of Seattle’s most famous traditions, the Pike Place Fish Market fish toss on stage. Microsoft brought in four “fishmongers” who first ran through the audience, tossing salmon back and forth, and when they reached the stage, a Microsoft MVP volunteer (far left), came onto the stage to toss fish with the professionals. The MVP must have had experience, as he didn’t drop the fish, and he tossed it back with the confidence of a professional fishmonger.
Tuesday, the first day of the 2010 MVP Summit, featured many optional side sessions, keynote addresses, and a formal reception. The next two days, MVPs will be visiting the Microsoft campus to have in-depth meetings with the many Microsoft product teams, and Friday, the last day of the event, will end up with final keynote presentations, along with some additional side sessions.
If you want to keep up on the event, check out the MVP FaceBook page or MVP Twitter feed.