Blog Post

2010 Goals


It’s time to make a list of things to shoot for in the year ahead.  I did okay on my 2009 goals, but I hope to do better this year.  There is a new blog chain started by Tom LaRock (@SQLRockstar) for goals and a theme word for the year.  I have not yet been “tagged”, but since I’m posting my goals anyway, I’ll steal the “theme” as well. 

My theme word for the year is going to be “Finish”. 
Finish Line - Air Farce One

I’ve always been great at starting, but get easily frustrated and leave things unfinished, thus most of the goals for this year will be ones unfinished from last year.


  1. Write 1 article per quarter for SQLServerCentral.  I didn’t finish it in 2009 so I’ll try again this year.
  2. Submit 1 video per quarter to SQLShare.  Again, an unfinished goal from last year that I’ll try again this year.
  3. Grow OPASS from 15-20 attendees to 25+ per meeting.
  4. Speak at 4 events this year (user groups, SQLSaturday’s, PASS Summit?)
  5. Present for one PASS Virtual Chapter

Professional Development

  1. Two blog posts a week with at least 3 scheduled.  I managed to average 2 posts a week in 2009, but rarely had anything scheduled.
  2. Read 2 technical and 2 professional development (productivity, networking) books.  I always have trouble finishing books I’m supposed to learn from and even more trouble applying what I’ve read.
  3. Get MCITP: Database Administrator 2008 – I’ve never considered certification that important, but as I move forward in my career I think this will help.


  1. Develop an application (C# or PowerShell) to automate testing of backups.  Copy and restore on test server.  I’d like it to be able to automatically restore Full/Diff/Transaction Log backups, even to a point in time restore. 
  2. Learn how to and do a page restore.  I’ve a read about them, but never tried to do one.
  3. Develop an application (C#) that uses SQL Compact Edition for offline access and uses SQL Azure for storage.


  1. Lose 25 lbs.  Do this through regular exercise and eating better.  Did well in Active August, but hurt my ankle in September and didn’t finish.
  2. Play my bass guitar 10 minutes a day to finish the book my wife got for me.
  3. Study my Bible every day.  I read now, but I want to really study to really finish this goal.

I’ve doubled the number of goals I had last year, but, as I mentioned, almost all of these are things left unfinished from 2009.  I think the hardest ones will be writing for SSC, recording for SQLShare, getting certified, the 2 that involve application development (probably the lowest on my list) and losing weight.  My plan is to post quarterly progress reports. 

I don’t know, am I being too ambitious?


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