Technical Article

SQLStackEngine - simulate a character stack

SQLStackEngine - simulate a character stack using a string.  This script was developed specifically to support the operator stack in SQLCalcEngine(also on this site).  However, the implementation is complete enough to stand on its own.There are several functions in the package that correspond to the common stack functions of Push, Pop, Peek, and so on.In […]

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2006-12-12 (first published: )

138 reads

Technical Article

SQLCalcEngine - evaluate numeric expression

SQLCalcEngine - evaluate numeric expression similar to the VB eval function.The basic concept is to pass a string containing a numeric expression such as ((2+3)*(4/9)) and receive a numeric value back. The algorithm is based loosely on material found at, as well as material found in the book "Writing Compilers and Interpreters" by Ronald […]

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2005-03-31 (first published: )

314 reads

Technical Article

XML Encode UDF

I routinely need to retrieve and package query result sets in an XML package.  The built in functions supported by SQL Server 2000 are effective, but are often more of a pain than a help.  This routine can be used in a simple select statement to XML encode the contents of a column during the […]

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A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job...

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