Get All Foreign Key names and Tables referenced
This script lists all the foreign keys ,the referenced and the referencing tables , along with the column information.
2007-07-09 (first published: 2006-10-04)
312 reads
This script lists all the foreign keys ,the referenced and the referencing tables , along with the column information.
2007-07-09 (first published: 2006-10-04)
312 reads
to figure out space used by tables. I have seen different versions of them .. here is a very simple effective one!!!
91 reads
It is a painful experience for all us administrators to truncate logs regularly. I just created a job to executesp_msforeachdb "use ?; backup log ? with truncate_only ; dbcc shrinkfile(2,5)"on all the servers at frequent intervals. It has saved me a lot of time. hope it helps you too.n.b: I assume that file id 2 […]
316 reads
By Steve Jones
This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...
By Steve Jones
This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...
I recently read the book Agile Data Warehouse Design – Collaborative Dimensional Modeling, from...
I have an ADF pipeline that copies Files from source to destination. Both Source...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Function Defaults
I have created this function in SQL Server 2022:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AddInt (@one INT, @two INT = 1) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN @one + @two ENDHow can I call this and invoke the default value for @two? See possible answers