Database and Disk Size - PowerShell Script
Every time we do a capacity analysis we need to analyse the database size (free and used) and the disk...
5,998 reads
Every time we do a capacity analysis we need to analyse the database size (free and used) and the disk...
5,998 reads
The below script is used to find the disk size for a set of servers,
## Script to Find List of...
1,995 reads
Today I came accross white paper "Troubleshooting Performance Problems in SQL Server" by Sunil Agarwal, Boris Baryshnikov, Tom Davidson, Keith...
1,228 reads
I developed the below script to find the details of a AD user and the AD groups he is associated...
7,900 reads
This is one of the powershell script I have been using quite regularly from the day I developed. Most of SQL...
2,107 reads
Whenever there is a network issue or a SQL server browser issue we might need to connect SQL server in different...
1,230 reads
One of my client accidentally executed a 32 bit service pack on a 64 bit SQL Server, the service Pack...
1,530 reads
we often face a situation to move SQL server object beween servers or databases, when you have constant table list...
5,528 reads
Blocking in in SQL Server by SPID -2 happens due to Orphan DTC transaction, for instance whenever a data source...
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Whenever I ask a SQL candidate in an interview the difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE TABLE, the first answer I...
2,425 reads
I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least,...
Want to learn SQL and get some real practice this December? Check out the...
By Steve Jones
A new feature added to Redgate Monitor Enterprise automatically. CIS compliance is something many...
Hello, I’ve been trying to install Ms SQL Server 2005 for over two weeks...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item How to Repair Corrupt MySQL...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Funny Dynamic SQL
What happens when I run this code:
EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';See possible answers