Vasant Raj

  • Interests: Learning new things, Playing Table Tennis and watching English Premier League...

SQLServerCentral Article

Adding Custom Code To Reporting Services

Reporting Services has been greatly enhanced in SQL Server 2005 and become an integral tool in many SQL Server installations. Longtime autor Raj Vasant brings us an example of how you can enhance your reports with custom coded DLLs called from within the reporting engine.

4.9 (10)

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2008-01-15 (first published: )

21,623 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Document Your Database

Computer professionals are constantly complaining about the documentation for the software they use. And are notorious for not documenting their own code very well. Longtime author Raj Vasant brings us a short article with some suggestions on how to go about documenting your databases.

1.61 (18)

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2008-01-02 (first published: )

13,818 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Source Control in SQL Server

One of the most requested features from SQL Server developers is the integration of source control with T-SQL code. SQL Server Management Studio brings some integration with Visual Source Safe and longtime SQL Server author Raj Vasant explains it to us.

2.14 (7)

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2007-11-30 (first published: )

14,180 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Querying System Tables

It is not recommended, but there is quite a bit of valuable information stored in the SQL Server 2000 system tables. Raj Vasant brings us a look at some of the information that you can get by directly querying the system tables and explains what is stored in a number of them, including gathering information about computed columns.

3.6 (5)

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2007-10-02 (first published: )

39,693 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Using OpenXML

SQL Server 2000 added XML support awhile back, though it was limited in what is offered and can be a little confusing. SQL Server 2005 will add many more features and functions, but in the meantime, if you are looking to add some XML support to your 2000 server, new author Raj Vasant brings us some basics on using OpenXML.

4.5 (2)

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2007-10-02 (first published: )

42,535 reads


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