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Technical Article

Comprehensive HTML Database Documentation(SS2K5)

This script has been on the SQL Server Central site for a while and has been revised a number of times. I enclose yet another revision that works with SQL Server 2005 (June CTP anyway) with much thanks to all those who have contributed to it in the past.Terry Grignon

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2006-02-08 (first published: )

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Quick and Dirty Server/Instance information

I do a lot of SQL Server Desktop Edition instance testing and I cobbled together this script from BOL and other scripts I've seen posted.  It is intended to show version, service pack level, machine and instance name and the security type among other information.  Hopefully someone else may find it of use. 

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A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job...

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