Deb Melkin (b | t) is hosting T-SQL Tuesday this month and is letting us rant. Who doesn’t like to rant about databases and the famous “it depends”. She...
2022-07-13 (first published: 2022-07-12)
25 reads
Over the last four years, ok it seems longer than that, I’ve started four jobs. A couple just weren’t good fits. One I was at for three years. I...
2022-07-11 (first published: 2022-06-27)
662 reads
SQL Server can run in any Virtual Machine that has the appropriate operating system (yes, I said that because I have some hope, that we will one day learn...
2022-06-20 (first published: 2022-06-03)
448 reads
It’s that time of the month again, the blog party, woohoo! This time Kenneth Fisher (b | t) has invited us to blog about our first tech job. Oh...
2022-05-30 (first published: 2022-05-10)
171 reads