Find the position of all occurrences of an expression within a string
This iTVF returns both the relative and the actual positions of ALL occurrences of a string within a string.
2015-05-12 (first published: 2013-03-24)
2,210 reads
This iTVF returns both the relative and the actual positions of ALL occurrences of a string within a string.
2015-05-12 (first published: 2013-03-24)
2,210 reads
A stored procedure that will parse (shred) the contents of any well-formed XML document into a SQL table.
2015-04-08 (first published: 2013-07-09)
5,182 reads
An inline table-valued function (iTVF) that will produce a virtual tally table on-the-fly. The function creates a tally table of any size with user-defined lower and upper bounds.
2014-09-08 (first published: 2013-06-28)
2,219 reads
This utility will generate column and parameter metadata in various useful formats for tables, views, and procedures.
2013-02-12 (first published: 2013-01-18)
734 reads
By Rayis Imayev
(2025-Feb-12) I will jump straight to the problem statement without a "boring" introduction, which, in...
By Steve Jones
I wrote about getting the Redgate Test Data Manager set up in 10 minutes...
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I'm a retired IT guy in his 80s fighting boredom by trying to learn...
I just joined and posted a brief profile. This is my first post. Please...
I have this table and data:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SalesTracking] ( [SalesDate] [datetime] NULL, [SalesPersonID] [int] NULL, [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL, [PONumber] [varchar] (80) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [paid] [bit] NULL, [total] int ) ON [PRIMARY] GO CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [SalesTrackingCDX] ON [dbo].[SalesTracking] ([SalesDate]) ON [PRIMARY] GO INSERT dbo.SalesTracking (SalesDate, SalesPersonID, CustomerID, PONumber, paid, total) VALUES ('2024-03-15 10:45:55.067', 1, 1,'PO965' ,1, 100), ('2023-09-24 10:45:55.067', 1, 2,'PO627' ,1, 200), ('2022-07-02 10:45:55.067', 1, 3,'PO6' ,1, 300), ('2022-11-03 10:45:55.067', 1, 4,'PO283' ,1, 400), ('2022-11-26 10:45:55.067', 1, 5,'PO735' ,1, 500), ('2023-04-28 10:45:55.067', 1, 6,'PO407' ,1, 600), ('2022-09-09 10:45:55.067', 1, 7,'PO484' ,1, 700), ('2024-03-13 10:45:55.067', 1, 8,'PO344' ,1, 700), ('2024-04-24 10:45:55.067', 1, 9,'PO254' ,1, 800), ('2022-06-19 10:45:55.067', 1, 10,'PO344',1, 800) GOWhen I run this query, how many unique values are returned for the SalesRank column?
SELECT st.SalesDate , st.SalesPersonID , , RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY st.SalesPersonID ORDER BY desc) AS SaleRank FROM dbo.SalesTracking AS st;See possible answers