Daily Coping 2 Apr 2021
I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m...
7 reads
I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m...
7 reads
Steve Jones wonders how many of us have had to send, or will have to send this email.
2021-04-02 (first published: 2017-03-23)
447 reads
A few things to start. First, this is about SQL Saturday events. Only. This is NOT about the future of the Summit. Redgate is working on that separately from...
2021-04-02 (first published: 2021-03-24)
173 reads
458 reads
I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQLServerCentral newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m...
17 reads
I’ve been asking for a way to compare SSIS packages for a long time, and finally Redgate has released an early access version. Years ago we had an internal...
43 reads
I’ve been asking for a way to compare SSIS packages for a long time, and finally Redgate has released an early access version. Years ago we had an internal version, but the visual comparison format was a problem. Really, we couldn’t decide how to actually compare packages on screen in a way that makes sense for users.
856 reads
Steve is excited that SQL Server is moving to a new platform.
138 reads
568 reads
8,355 reads
By Steve Jones
The episode on data masking and subetting is out. You can see it here:...
By Brian Kelley
I'm listening to Effortless by Greg McKeon (link to author's page) through Audible.com. He...
This book was making its rounds on social media, and the concept seems interesting...
I declare @Where based on the input parameter in the stored procedure. Set @SQL...
Hi, hoping someone can help. We're in the process of migrating to a new...
I am building an ETL process between these tables in SQL Server 2022 set to 160 compatibility level:
CREATE TABLE Image_Staging ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Image_StagingPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagebinary IMAGE); GO CREATE TABLE Images ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ImagesPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagemodified DATETIME , imagebinary IMAGE); GOI want to run this query to check if the images already loaded exist. This will help me decide if I need to insert or update an image. What happens with this query?
SELECT i.imageid FROM dbo.Image_Staging AS ist INNER JOIN dbo.Images AS i ON ist.imagebinary = i.imagebinary;See possible answers