I am in a situation where I have to incorporate SQL Server Agent alerts in my monitoring and alerting strategy.I needed a query (DMV) to get details on what...
2019-11-18 (first published: 2019-11-07)
660 reads
This is a simple powershell script to query and display hardware and OS information from a remote computer.
It uses CIM (Common Information Model) that is available since Powershell version 3 so as long as you have version 3 and up, you should be able to run this script against any server that you have access to.
2019-08-14 (first published: 2019-08-06)
2,295 reads
If you are new at your job or a new client you would like to gather and review the sql server meta data to understand the environment and get...
2019-08-01 (first published: 2019-07-10)
634 reads
At one of my clients I received an email from one of the IT Project Managers asking a simple question:"Can you please let us know which databases reside on...
2019-07-18 (first published: 2019-07-03)
13,937 reads
I realize that this is a bit of a lengthy script for something that you can use a one liner in the power shell:
But I needed to highlight certain properties of given user and take certain actions based on the values. And the result is this power shell script.
2019-07-15 (first published: 2019-07-02)
1,246 reads
I should start off by mentioning that this post is applicable to sql server versions 2012 and up. If you have an older version of sql server, the solution...
2019-07-09 (first published: 2019-06-26)
1,828 reads