Solomon Rutzky

Solomon Rutzky has been working with computers since the mid 1980s. He has experience with a variety of hardware platforms, OSs, programming languages, and RDBMSs. He has focused on SQL Server since 2002, and has written articles for SQL Server Central, including the Stairway to SQLCLR series, and Simple Talk.

Solomon is the founder / owner of Sql Quantum Lift, and is the creator of the popular SQL# SQLCLR library. He answers questions on a few StackExchange sites and
  • Interests: Computers (duh ;-), religion, sarcasm, chocolate covered raisins

Stairway to SQLCLR

Stairway to SQLCLR Level 2: Sample Stored Procedure and Function

In the second level of our Stairway to SQLCLR, we look at how to enable the SQLCLR in SQL Server. We then build an assembly, store procedure, and a function that can be called from your T-SQL code.

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2020-07-09 (first published: )

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The Table Backup

I run this code in SQL Server 2022. What happens?

BACKUP TABLE beercount TO DISK = 'beercount.bak'

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