The Stress of a Former DBA
Rodney Landrum impresses on his audience the importance of attention to the finer details, during data analysis and reporting.
211 reads
Rodney Landrum impresses on his audience the importance of attention to the finer details, during data analysis and reporting.
211 reads
Rodney Landrum presents a creative solution for dynamic reporting across all of his SQL Servers, based on use of Red Gate's SQL Backup and SQL Multi Script.
3,248 reads
By Steve Jones
This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...
I recently read the book Agile Data Warehouse Design – Collaborative Dimensional Modeling, from...
By Steve Jones
This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...
I have an ADF pipeline that copies Files from source to destination. Both Source...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Function Defaults
I have created this function in SQL Server 2022:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.AddInt (@one INT, @two INT = 1) RETURNS INT AS BEGIN RETURN @one + @two ENDHow can I call this and invoke the default value for @two? See possible answers