Press Release

SQLServerCentral Article

TribalSQL: 15 New Voices in SQL Server

MidnightDBA and Red Gate have joined together to produce a new book on SQL Server, written by 15 first-time authors. The resulting book, TribalSQL, includes everything you should know about SQL Server that isn’t taught in traditional training, they call it Tribal knowledge.

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SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Saturday #190 Denver

Join us at SQL Saturday Denver on September 28. SQL Saturday is a training event for SQL Server professionals and those wanting to learn about SQL Server. This SQL Saturday includes a number of options for pre-conference training in Denver, including a free session presented by Steve Jones.

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Technical Article

SQLServerCentral Webinar Series #10: SQL Server Backup and Restore for the Accidental DBA

Thursday, May 26, 2011 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM BST. Steve Jones will be your host to introduce Grant Fritchey, SQL Server MVP and Product Evangelist at Red Gate Software.
This webinar will take you through the best practices, standards and methods that you can employ to ensure that you have solid backup processes for the databases under your charge. You’ll also learn how to restore, because your backups are only good if you can restore them. Grant will show you how using Red Gate’s SQL Backup Pro and SQL Virtual Restore can make all this easier and more efficient.

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2013-09-18 (first published: )

4,356 reads

External Article

New SQL Monitor Custom Metric: Percentage of Free Log Space

This metric measures the percentage of free space for transaction log files (LDF files). You’ll find this useful if your SQL Server has limited capacity, so you need to maximize existing disk space utilization by minimizing unused space. It will also alert you if the amount of free space drops below the specified thresholds.


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SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Saturday #228 Cambridge, UK

SQLSaturday #228 Cambridge is a training event for SQL Server professionals, Business Intelligence and SQL Server Developers and those just wanting to learn more about SQL Server. This event will consist of a pre-conference day on the 27th September and a free community day on the 28th September 2013.

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Technical Article

How to Recognize When a Relational Database is "Good Enough"

In this Webinar on Tuesday September 12, Louis Davidson will explain the differences between good and bad database design. He'll discuss characteristics such as comprehendible, documented, secure, well performing, and normalized (naturally). Register to come along.

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The Funny Dynamic SQL

What happens when I run this code:

EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';

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