Prashanth Jayaram

Technology enthusiast with 7+ years of experience in Database Technology. I am Microsoft Certified Professional with certificates of OCA, MCP, MCTS, MCITP developer, MCITP administration and backed with a degree in Master of Computer Application. My expertise lies in T-SQL programming, Replication, PowerShell and Performance Tuning. Hobbies are Drawing, playing soccer and listening to Melodies songs.

Blog Post

SQL to generate Asset Information – Configuration Manager SCCM 2012

SELECT   DISTINCT  s.Netbios_Name0 AS ComputerName,  
            s.Operating_System_Name_and0 AS OSName,  
            pr.Name0 AS ProcessorTypeSpeed,  
            pr.Manufacturer0 Manufacturer, 
            pr.NumberOfCores0 Cores, 
            pr.NumberOfLogicalProcessors0 LgicalProcessorCount, 
            case when pr.DataWidth0=64 then '64 bit'else'32 bit' end DataWidth, 
            m.TotalPhysicalMemory0/1024.00 AS MemoryMB,  
            GS1.TotalVirtualMemorySize0 VirtualMemory, 
            GS1.TotalVisibleMemorySize0 VisibleMemory, 
            T1.COL AS TotalDriveSize, 
            DATEDIFF(Day,GS1.LastBootUpTime0, GETDATE()) AS [Days since last boot]           
FROM v_R_System_Valid s  
       INNER JOIN v_GS_PROCESSOR pr ON s.ResourceID = pr.ResourceID 
       INNER JOIN v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM gs ON s.ResourceID = gs.ResourceID  
       INNER JOIN v_GS_X86_PC_MEMORY m ON s.ResourceID = m.ResourceID 
      -- INNER JOIN v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK AS ld ON s.ResourceID = ld.ResourceID  
       INNER JOIN  
            SELECT COL.deviceid0 +' '+ cast(COL.Size0/1024.00 AS varchar(20))+' ' 
            FROM v_GS_LOGICAL_DISK COL   
                COL.ResourceID = TAB.ResourceID AND COL.DriveType0=3 
             FOR XML PATH ('')  
            ) COL  
FROM v_R_System_Valid TAB  
 where T.COL is NOT NULL  
 ) T1 on T1.RESOURCENAME=s.Netbios_Name0 
       INNER JOIN V_GS_OPERATING_SYSTEM GS1 on GS1.ResourceID=s.ResourceID 
            s.Operating_System_Name_and0 LIKE '%Windows NT Server%' 
       ip.IPAddress0 IS NOT NULL AND ip.DefaultIPGateway0 IS NOT NULL        


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