Technical Article

SP to search String in TEXT of SPs

Well this is an addendum to my earlier post for searching a specific string in all the Stored Procedures defined in a database and returning the name of the stored procedure in which it is contained. This is optimized based on suggestion of Greg and I thank him for his advise.

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Technical Article

Search For SPs which contain a specific String.

This Stored Procedure is for Searching all the user defined Stored Procedures in a database for the existence of a specified string . This is especially useful when you have changed some Column name and want to Find the Column Name in all the Stored Procedures where it is used, so it will return you […]

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Technical Article

Function To Retrieve Last Index

This Function Enables the user to retrieve the Last Index of the character/string in a predetermined string.Eg If you want search for the Last Occurance of 'SQL' in 'SQL SERVER2000 USES ANSI SQL' thenSELECT dbo.LastIndexOf('SQL SERVER2000 USES ANSI SQL','SQL')will return 26.Tested Only in SQL SERVER2000

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Function Defaults

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Function Defaults

I have created this function in SQL Server 2022:

    RETURN @one + @two
How can I call this and invoke the default value for @two?

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