Peter He

SQLServerCentral Article

CTE Performance

SQL Server 2005 brings a new feature to T-SQL with Common Table Expressions, which make it possible for more complex subquery expressions than in previous versions. Recursion is a common use and Peter He takes a look at how well these new structures perform.

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2008-03-14 (first published: )

18,130 reads

SQLServerCentral Article


SQL Server 2000 has table valued functions that are very useful in many ways. However when you try to limit results with the ROWCOUNT setting, you can end up with some strange results. Peter He brings us a comprehensive look at some of the unpredictable results that you can get and how to code around them.

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Technical Article

Generate script for extended properties

The stored procedure generates insert script for table and column extended properties in the current database. The generated script checks whether a property exists, if it exists, drop it first. The stored procedure assumes table owner is dbo. It can be easily changed to other users.

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2005-11-11 (first published: )

1,904 reads


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