Since conditional formatting was released for Power BI, I have seen countless examples of bar charts that have a gradient color fill. If you aren’t careful about the gradient...
2024-02-07 (first published: 2024-01-23)
176 reads
A couple of weeks ago, I encountered a DAX question that I had not previously considered. They had a situation where there were two paths between two tables: on...
2024-01-24 (first published: 2024-01-09)
483 reads
While a private endpoint and vNets are preferred, sometimes we need to configure Azure SQL Database or Azure Storage to allow use of public endpoints. In that case, an...
2024-01-10 (first published: 2024-01-02)
417 reads
I’ve been building lakehouses using Databricks Unity catalog for a couple of clients. Overall, I like the technology, but there are a few things to get used to. This...
2023-12-06 (first published: 2023-11-22)
253 reads
Widgets provide a way to parameterize notebooks in Databricks. If you need to call the same process for different values, you can create widgets to allow you to pass...
2023-10-13 (first published: 2023-09-28)
304 reads
I have a client who was upgrading some servers from pre-2022 versions of SQL Server to SQL Server 2022 CU7. They had some multidimensional SSAS cubes that were to...
2023-09-13 (first published: 2023-08-18)
236 reads
This week, I was working with a client who requested I use the Segoe UI font in their Power BI report. The report contained a mix of core visuals...
2023-09-06 (first published: 2023-08-17)
105 reads
If you are using Power BI to connect to a PaaS resource on a virtual network in Azure (including private endpoints), you need a data gateway. While you can...
2023-08-21 (first published: 2023-08-01)
723 reads
I recently created a treemap in Power BI for a Workout Wednesday challenge. Originally, I had set out to make a different treemap, but I ran into some limitations...
2023-08-07 (first published: 2023-07-14)
193 reads
One of the nice things about the Microsoft Connector for Oracle is that it doesn’t require installation of an Oracle client. But because of this, you may not have...
2023-06-21 (first published: 2023-06-03)
312 reads