Kathi Kellenberger

SQLServerCentral Editorial

The SQL Community Steps up in Time of Need

Healthcare workers are some of the many heroes working bravely in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. To protect themselves and their patients, they must wear face masks during their entire shifts. This causes a great deal of ear irritation, so a strap was designed to make wearing the masks easier and alleviate pressure on […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Azure Data Studio and Deployment Notebooks

Azure Data Studio (ADS) is a cross-platform tool that you can use to run T-SQL queries much as you have done using SQL Server Management Studio. No, the databases do not need to be hosted in Azure; the tool works fine for on-premises SQL Servers as well. I’ve started using ADS more as I teach […]

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External Article

Moving on from Volunteer Projects

I can’t remember a time when I was not involved in side-projects, usually as a volunteer but also writing books or creating courses. New projects are like bright, shiny objects, and it’s easy to get involved in too many of them.


SQLServerCentral Editorial

The New Year: A Chance to Start Over

January 1st is the beginning of a new year thanks to Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII. This date is somewhat arbitrary, and many religions and cultures celebrate their own beginning of a new year at different times. Even though these celebrations don’t fall at the same time, I think the sentiment is similar. The […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

How SQL Server Can Just Go Faster

It’s rare to get a call from a customer telling you that the application is fast today and thanks for taking such good care of the database. Instead, you are more likely to hear complaints when things go wrong like slow running queries and timeouts. There is a lot to consider when trying to figure […]

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AI Step 1


As this is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) World, things are changing. We can see that...

Beginner’s Guide: Building a Dockerized Todo App with React, Chakra UI, and Rust for Backend


In a containerized app, React and Chakra UI provide a robust and accessible user...

A New Word: Nachlophobia


nachlophobia – n. the fear that your deepest connections with people are ultimately pretty...

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identify consecutive records greater than 1

By HeftSteady

Hello I need help identifying all records that have consecutive hours (time in order)...

Call dynamic sql storedprocedure from SSIS execute sql task

By komal145

hi, I have a table called Rules Create table Rules ( Id int ,...

Migrating database with many orphan users.

By JasonO

I am currently upgrading a very old database running SQL Server 2008 to SQL...

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Question of the Day

The Funny SELECTs

What is returned from this query?

  ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2011' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2012') AS OrdersIn2011
, ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2012' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2013') AS OrdersIn2012
, ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2013' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2014') AS OrdersIn2013;

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