Kathi Kellenberger

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Do presenting and writing really matter?

I’m sure you’ve heard the adage that people are more afraid of public speaking than they are of death. On the other hand, some folks can’t get enough public speaking and look forward to opportunities to get up in front of a group and talk. Writing is not so scary since it’s a solitary activity, […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

PASS Data Community Summit Pre-cons

This year PASS Data Community Summit is a free virtual event, and I encourage you to register even if you are interested in just a handful of sessions. One of the Learning Pathways might be just what you are looking for, from Query Basics to Power BI to DevOps. What I’m most excited about this […]

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109 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

All the Tools in Your Toolbox

I recently began writing an article to compare the performance of several window functions to traditional query methods. I began with my favorite function, LAG, but soon found that there were so many other ways to write the query that the article never covered the additional window functions. The article was quite fun to write, […]

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197 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

What to do with more free time

Many data professionals have begun working remotely over the past year and a half which translates to less time spent commuting. In my own case, I’ve been a remote worker for almost ten years, but before that I spent two hours on the road each day. This got me wondering what folks have done with […]

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256 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Taking time off

Time is a precious commodity, and so much of our time is dedicated to working. IT professionals often have jobs with good benefits, including generous paid time off. It’s important to get away from work to relax and recharge, but, sometimes, it’s difficult to take those days that belong to us. Even when we do […]

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98 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Looking Forward to SQL Server vNext

Releases of on-premises SQL Server arrived quite rapidly for a few years with seven releases during the years spanning 2008 and 2019. While it has technically been less than two years since SQL Server 2019 reached general availability in November 2019, it feels like ages since we have heard any news about what’s coming next. […]

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1,802 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

New Options for Training and Learning

In 2008, I managed to achieve the goal of becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer. Once I achieved the status, Microsoft shipped me a binder with dozens of DVDs containing lab VMs and class materials for all the current classes. At some point, instead of receiving DVDs, you were expected to download images which was quite […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Common Table Expression Misunderstandings

I frequently use Common Table Expressions (CTEs) when I demo windowing functions and get questions about them. Windowing functions are limited to the SELECT and ORDER BY clause which means that you can’t filter or group on them directly. Using a CTE is one way to separate the logic of the query into multiple steps […]

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2,933 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Let it go

I’ve been digging through the 18 years’ worth of articles, editorials, blogs, contests, interviews, promotions, and announcements over at Simple Talk. There are over 5000 posts, and many are quite outdated, especially those announcing beta versions of software or other time-sensitive content. Some articles haven’t seen the light of day for 10 years, yet some […]

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111 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Who is my customer?

My final job in my previous career was at a hospital. I worked there for five years in the 90s before getting my first position as a developer. While I didn’t love the career I was leaving, I did appreciate what I learned from that last job. Part of the onboarding included a short class […]

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AI Step 1


As this is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) World, things are changing. We can see that...

Beginner’s Guide: Building a Dockerized Todo App with React, Chakra UI, and Rust for Backend


In a containerized app, React and Chakra UI provide a robust and accessible user...

A New Word: Nachlophobia


nachlophobia – n. the fear that your deepest connections with people are ultimately pretty...

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identify consecutive records greater than 1

By HeftSteady

Hello I need help identifying all records that have consecutive hours (time in order)...

Call dynamic sql storedprocedure from SSIS execute sql task

By komal145

hi, I have a table called Rules Create table Rules ( Id int ,...

Migrating database with many orphan users.

By JasonO

I am currently upgrading a very old database running SQL Server 2008 to SQL...

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Question of the Day

The Funny SELECTs

What is returned from this query?

  ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2011' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2012') AS OrdersIn2011
, ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2012' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2013') AS OrdersIn2012
, ( SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader AS soh
    WHERE soh.OrderDate >= '01/01/2013' AND soh.OrderDate < '01/01/2014') AS OrdersIn2013;

See possible answers