Reporting is a huge part of any DBA's job with constant changes and new requests for data that non-technical people can use. And more
and more often the format of choice is PDF, which ensures the end result looks the same on many different platforms. Kathi Kellenberger takes a look at a product that can allow end-users to generate PDFs from a database and easily send them to other people.
2008-02-07 (first published: 2007-02-15)
8,044 reads
While it's not likely that many of you need to find prime numbers using T-SQL, it is an interesting programming exercise. SQL Server guru Kathi Kellenburger brings us one solution after taking a break over the holidays and reading some popular fiction.
2008-01-01 (first published: 2007-01-29)
7,352 reads
SQL Server 2000 and Access databases can be configured to work closely together. If you find that the Access storage format is not handling your needs and an upgrade is needed, you need not through away all of your access development. Instead, you can link Access tables to underlying tables in SQL Server and improve your application by using SQL Server as the backend for your Access project. Author Kathi Kellenberger brings us her second articles in an Access series looking at Linking tables to
2007-10-02 (first published: 2005-02-23)
45,323 reads
They are a basic type of query that every DBA and developer should be able to write, but aggregates are sometimes misunderstood and result in strange behaviors and results. Kathi Kellenberger brings us a tutorial on what aggregate queries are and a few hints on how to become more proficient at writing them.
2007-10-02 (first published: 2005-12-19)
37,421 reads
The SQL Server 2000 security model is not the best one of all the RDBMS platforms and requires some work to secure properly. One of the practices that is recommended is removing the builtin/administrators group from accessing the SQL Server. New author Kathi Kellenberger shows us some of the pitfalls she encountered when removing this group from her servers.
2007-10-02 (first published: 2005-01-12)
30,025 reads