Jonathan Roberts

Technical Article

Comprehensive SQL Performance Monitoring and Optimisation Script

This script monitors and reports the execution statistics of SQL statements over a specified period, capturing metrics such as execution counts, CPU time, I/O operations, and elapsed time. It provides a comprehensive view of query performance, aiding in the diagnosis of performance issues and identifying problematic SQL queries in the database.

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2024-07-29 (first published: )

1,672 reads

Technical Article

User-Created GENERATE_SERIES() Function for Older SQL Server Versions

In the world of SQL Server, adaptation is key. While the built-in GENERATE_SERIES() function was a valuable addition in SQL Server 2022, its absence in older versions created a functionality gap. Enter the user-written GENERATE_SERIES function. Adapted from Jeff Moden's "dbo.fnTally", it offers an efficient means to generate a series of numbers within a defined range in older SQL Server versions. Its design mirrors the built-in function in SQL Server 2022, making the transition between versions as simple as removing the dbo. prefix. This forward-thinking design reflects the ingenuity of the SQL Server community, ensuring a seamless, efficient database migration experience.

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2023-06-26 (first published: )

2,010 reads

Technical Article

A DateRange Table Valued function

The function is an inline table-valued function (or sometimes called a parameterised view) so it can be used just like a view or a table but needs parameters. It generates a single-column table of datetime2 with rows differing by any multiple of any of the dateparts that SQL Server provides.

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2019-08-29 (first published: )

5,121 reads


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Precision and Scale II

What is the precision, length, and scale for an int variable?

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