
Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, with a brief excursion to study in Brussels, Melbourne & Washington D.C., Hugo has been working with SQL Server since 1998. He’s busied himself as a DBA since 1999 (with mcdba & mcitp certifications in ‘01 & ‘08 respectively), as independent consultant with his own company, Intellabase Solutions, since 2002 (now part time), and has held various permanent position with Transcontinental, Sun Life Canada, and now Alithya as a consultant. He enjoys writing documentation for quick, safe infrastructure rebuilds and expansions, and most challengingly, propositions to Executives Management on how to improve enterprise Security. He has spoken at SQLteach/DevTeach, Montreal Dot Net User Group, SQLGulf, Vermont User Groups over 5 times, has a blog on SQLServerCentral, and has been recognised as a SQL Server MVP in 2010.
  • Interests: Lately (2019): windfoiling or windsurfing with a Skroka foil....amongst many other supposedly 'extreme' sports, but which are really just the norm for people raised in Lotusland aka Vancouver, BC, lower-mainland region, Sea-to-Sky country as we know it.
  • Blog:
  • Jobs: SQL DBA, Data Engineer, Migrator, Clusterer, Security Implementor


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Am I on Synapse?

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