SQL Server Scripts Manager From Redgate Software
Redgate Software has released a useful free tool called SQL Server Scripts Manager. I was happy to be included as...
1,909 reads
Redgate Software has released a useful free tool called SQL Server Scripts Manager. I was happy to be included as...
1,909 reads
Microsoft has released SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM Cumulative Update 5 (CU5), which is Build 1753. I count 40 separate...
876 reads
Last Friday afternoon (December 17, 2010), Microsoft released the final RTM build of Service Pack 4 (SP4) for SQL Server...
792 reads
I have been quite the slacker (by my usual standards) for blogging over the past few weeks, but my excuse...
660 reads
One reason (besides laziness) that I have been fairly light on my blogging lately is that I have been working...
1,266 reads
SQL Server Hardware will provide the fundamental knowledge and resources you need to make intelligent decisions about choice, and optimal installation and configuration, of SQL Server hardware, operating system and the SQL Server RDBMS.
10,871 reads
I will be giving a presentation and demo to the PASS Database Administration Virtual Chapter on Wednesday, December 8 2010...
846 reads
I recently had a request from a client to come up with a routine to do a full compressed database...
1,407 reads
Here is a small selection of useful tools for getting some specific hardware information from any Windows based system you...
2,240 reads
Microsoft has released SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 2 Cumulative Update 1, which is Build 4266. I count 67 fixes...
1,004 reads
By Steve Jones
The episode on data masking and subetting is out. You can see it here:...
By Brian Kelley
I'm listening to Effortless by Greg McKeon (link to author's page) through Audible.com. He...
This book was making its rounds on social media, and the concept seems interesting...
I declare @Where based on the input parameter in the stored procedure. Set @SQL...
Hi, hoping someone can help. We're in the process of migrating to a new...
I am building an ETL process between these tables in SQL Server 2022 set to 160 compatibility level:
CREATE TABLE Image_Staging ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Image_StagingPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagebinary IMAGE); GO CREATE TABLE Images ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ImagesPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagemodified DATETIME , imagebinary IMAGE); GOI want to run this query to check if the images already loaded exist. This will help me decide if I need to insert or update an image. What happens with this query?
SELECT i.imageid FROM dbo.Image_Staging AS ist INNER JOIN dbo.Images AS i ON ist.imagebinary = i.imagebinary;See possible answers