Data Warehousing Explained
Why Warehouse
Data warehousing is the act of transforming application database into a format more suited for reporting and offloading it...
217 reads
Why Warehouse
Data warehousing is the act of transforming application database into a format more suited for reporting and offloading it...
217 reads
Note : Since publishing this I’ve been notified that there are a number of outstanding issues with the SQL Server merge...
52 reads
Often when trying to pivot data you wont know what the possible values that you need to pivot on, in...
50 reads
The new JSON bits in SQL Server 2016 give you the ability to pull stuff out of JSON and to...
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I’m going to walk through an example that we can build up and improve with a number of the new...
32 reads
The Pivot and Unpivot features in SQL Server are I find quite underused. For a long time I got by...
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CROSS APPLY was introducted as part of TSQL in SQL Server 2005. Origionally it was created as a way to...
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SSL All the Things
Browsers are starting to highlight sites without SSL as insecure in a bid to push everyone to...
126 reads
Brief Description
Temporal tables allow automated change tracking of a table directly in to a history table which can be queried...
72 reads
.Net CLI is the new tooling that sits in front of .Net Core, allowing you to create and run projects...
34 reads
By Steve Jones
Redgate Monitor is growing to include more than just Microsoft SQL Server monitoring. We...
By Steve Jones
Experience is overrated. Most breakthrough accomplishments were done by people doing them for the...
By Brian Kelley
As you begin the new year, if you don't already have time set aside...
So we have local sp in which remote table is udpated.this remote query part...
So we have local sp in which remote table is udpated.this remote query part...
Hi, in my environment planning to create Replicas concept for Azure Managed Instance....
What formats of API endpoints can the Data API Builder present to clients when exposing the database?
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